Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Killzone 2 - Single Player

Despite my earlier post about jumping straight online, I got chance to attack the single player game on Sunday. I have about 3 levels left to complete on the single player and so far it is the best 5 hours gaming I have had in years. Firstly, the visuals - you have never seen anything like this before! This is not an exaggeration, or a fan boy jump to praise the PS3, it is simply a fact. I have been killed on at least 5 occasions because I stopped with my jaw on the floor looking at the lighting.

The second level has a Arc Tower, which is like a massive lightning beacon that wipes out aircraft. It looks so real as you fly in, avoiding the forks of lightning shooting into the sky that I ducked to avoid being hit. This is the game you have been waiting for to show people just what your PS3 is capable of.

Its been a long time in the making but, believe me when I say, it is well worth the wait!! More to follow soon with a review; that is of course, if I can pull myself away from the pad for long enough.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, love the blog! Have you heard much about Resi5?
