Sunday, 22 March 2009

Resident Evil 5 - initial thoughts

I had RE5 preordered for over a year and I was disappointed when I read the reviews. I had always assumed that it would be a 9 or 10 but the critics thought otherwise. I made the same assumption with Killzone 2.

Despite the average reviews I left my preorder in place, and took receipt the day before release. I have played through the first 6 levels of RE5 and I have been pleasantly surprised. I'm shocked that people are complaining that it is just a rehashed version of RE4. Resident Evil 4 is renowned by most critics as a masterpiece. If this is the case then comparing the latest to number 4 should be high praise indeed.

The graphics are superb. The sidepieces, boss battles, and action are second to only God of War. It is much better than the critics would have you believe. I would not give it the coveted 10/10 but from what I have played so far, it comes in at a high 9. Obviously, I have yet to finish it so I will reserve judgement until the end credits, but the signs are good

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